Joan of Arcadia. I watched Season One two plus years ago. I find it to be a thought provoking view of a teenage girl's relationship with God. It' s all there, the lessons we must learn to grow as people, as part of everyday life.

In Treatment, new this week on HBO. This is what therapy is all about: presenting issues are not usually the real problem. I ended up feeling quite disturbed at the content, but then, it was all very real and I plan on watching more. When we look closely, there is always more and more.

And my old time favorites - The Pooh Bear movies. We have a bunch of VHS tapes and a TV that plays them. Grasshopper and I spent Sunday morning watching Tigger, Roo, Piglet, Rabbit, Kanga, Pooh, Eyor, Owl, and Christopher Robbin. They are us... they are flawed, they are brilliant, they are unique, and they overcome, always in friendship.

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